Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dance Showcase

The girls had their Dance Showcase tonight.  Special thanks to Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, Tammy, Zina, Amy, Abram, AJ, Autumn, Casey, Lacie and Braden for coming tonight and watching.  Enjoy!

I put their name near each photo.  They look too much alike in these photos.

Gabriel can jump.

Gabriel's solo.

I told you she can jump!

 I can do that!

 Victoria can jump too!!!

Even though you can't see Gabriel I thought it was
a cool picture.

More jumps from Gabriel!

Finally, both girls in one photo!








Victoria can jump too!!

Gabriel on Pointe!!!

Gabriel and Victoria.


DICK said...

Wow!!! Daddy posted my very favorites! Gabriel in the very first one--your legs are straight as an arrow, everyone else's has a bit of "bend". And the music was beautiful for this dance (sorry, I'm just not the hip-hop type!). Gabriel, your solo was perfect--fluid/flowing is the best description and no waiting on, or catching up to the music like some others! I loved the one in the blue/grey outfits. And then both of you in the blue/brown/grey outfits. Again, beautiful music in both of these, and really neat to see both of you together. And like Daddy posted: Victoria, you can really jump too--perfectly pointed! And the final dance was a really neat way to portray "We are the World".

DICK said...

Forgot to say how hard it was to pick out Victoria with no glasses and hair down--but mostly be cause you have GROWN so!

Price Family said...

Great action shots. Kudos to the photographer!! Thank you for sharing. You girls are beautiful dance. Performance like that doesn't come easy. Congratulations on a great outcome to much hard work.