Thursday, November 26, 2009


I have wanted a tattoo for many years.  Kelda has always said the only way I could get one is if her friend from high school, Mike Parsons, did it.  The catch to this statement is that we have not been in touch with Mike in years.  I think Kelda thought that there would be no way this would happen.  Kelda found Mike through Facebook several months ago.  I started in on her immediately for a tattoo.  We started discussing designs (we both quickly got to a cross and a crown) and I did a little research online.  I found out that Mike would be doing tattoos in Marietta the week of Thanksgiving so I set up a time to have it done.  I had been telling Gabriel and Victoria I was doing this but I do not think they thoug I was going to really do it until we pulled into the parking lot of the studio on Tuesday.

Mike took my examples and made a design on his own.  Here are a few "action" photos.

Kelda watched the entire time and Gabriel watched most of the time (Victoria does not like needles so she did not watch much).  Gabriel had this confused look on her face and when I asked her what she was thinking I got the same answer.  "I'm not sure."

No it did not hurt and yes I am glad I did it.  I love what it stands for.  The nails and the cross and the crown of thorns.

As the color comes in over the next few weeks I will post a few more pictures.


DICK said...

Well, I make the same comment that I did when Mike got his:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(pretty smart to just keep my mouth shut!

Price Family said...

Wow. I am speechless.
Love ya,